Brucella Canis: The Emerging Threat to Humans from Dogs

ALERT! Emerging Threat to Humans

Canine brucellosis, also known as Brucella canis, is a contagious bacterial infection that affects the reproductive system of dogs. Recently 3 citizens from the United Kingdom(UK) had already been affected by the disease.



It is caused by the bacterium Brucella canis (B. canis). B. canis can also infect humans, although this is rare.

Brucella canis is a bacterium that causes canine brucellosis. It is a zoonotic disease, meaning that it can be transmitted from animals to humans. B. canis can be found in the reproductive organs, blood, and urine of infected dogs. some text

The signs of canine brucellosis in dogs include: – Infertility – Abortion – Stillbirth – Swollen testicle – Swollen lymph node – Fever – Lethargy – Loss of appetite – Weight lo

Symptoms in dogs

Symptoms in dogs

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Signs of canine brucellosis in humans include: – Fever – Headache – Muscle ache – Joint pain – Fatigue – Night sweat – Swollen lymph node

Symptoms in humans

B. canis spreads through infected bodily fluids, such as urine, birth fluids, and semen. Dogs can get it from mating or contact with infected fluids, while humans can get it from bites or consuming unpasteurized dairy products. 




Human brucellosis is diagnosed by a blood test or a culture of the bacteria from bodily fluids. t

here is no cure for canine brucellosis. However, antibiotics can be used to control the infection. Human brucellosis is treated with antibiotics for several weeks



There is no vaccine for canine brucellosis. However, there are steps that can be taken to prevent the spread of the disease, such as: – Spaying or neutering dog – Avoiding contact with stray dog – Practicing good hygiene when handling dog

Canine brucellosis is a serious disease that can affect both dogs and humans.